Tuesday 2 March 2021

For my next trick

We woke this morning about 6 am to what sounded like a door swinging open.  We both lay in a daze for a while as you do when woken abruptly.  I took a look at our bedroom door, last week Grigio had managed to climb up our dressing gowns hung on the back and was balanced on the top edge of the door.  Mr FF lifted her down. This time she must have climbed up the same way and launched herself from the door edge onto the top of our wardrobe, which is high, the photo was taken from our bed.

We left her there for a while, when she got restless Mr FF went for the small steps but she wouldn’t come to him so we ignored her again though more sleep was impossible.  Then she started preparing herself for a launch, presumably onto our bed with the possibility of landing on the tiled floor. He went for the proper stepladder and got her down, she was so pleased with herself purring and parading around.

Her love of heights is worrying, Grigio is ingenious at getting into precarious places and it never crosses her mind how she will get down again.


  1. That's cats for you but of course if she landed on a tiled floor from that height she may well do herself some damage.

  2. Our cat Daisy is just the same. We regularly find her on top of the tallest furniture of any room with no idea how she will get down but somehow she does. Usually we just hear a thump and moments later she saunters in with her usual swagger.
    In a similar vein to your story, one morning some years ago we were woken by a shuffling sound apparently coming from the ceiling. Looking up we saw a holdall which was stored empty on top of the wardrobe inching its way towards the edge. After a couple more shoves it landed on the floor and Daisy peered down at it, looking very satisfied!

  3. The Houdini of cats! She does look cute up top of that wardrobe though!

  4. She does look rather pleased with herself! One of our cats used to somehow get onto the roof and discovered that he could then get in the bedroom window! Mr JK was not impressed and took him downstairs again. But before Mr JK had time to get back into bed, he'd reappeared at the window!!
