Wednesday, 31 May 2023

Oh happy day

Today is one of my favourite in our Italian calendar, the day I decide it’s safe for MrFF to cut some paths through the orchard because enough of the wild flowers are seeded and the cherries are almost ripe.  Now I can walk to the compost, the bonfire and the fruit trees but most importantly Grigio and I can enjoy our evening pre dinner stroll round the orchard when one of us usually climbs a few trees.

The wild flowers this year have been beautiful and there are still plenty performing, the whole orchard will need strimming but not just yet. 


  1. It looks bliss. Glorious in most of British Isles - here in The Dales cloud cover from North Sea.

  2. Abundant growth, so lovely. Enjoy your time there.

  3. It's always the simple small things in life
