Friday 12 September 2014

Not complaining .... but

Two weeks today we will be moving out of our lovely house.  We still have lots to dispose of but I am determined we won't take things with us to sort out later

We don't know where we will be moving to but the removal company have said that if we sign a contract, any contract, they will let us have some boxes next week so we can start the serious packing.  

We have made an offer on a property in Yorkshire but the survey wasn't good and we are currently in communication with the solicitors, it could go either way.  In fact when we contacted the sellers estate agents with the list of problems their only response was 'let us know if you have decided not to proceed' which I thought was rude and unhelpful, especially as we are chain free buyers.

I have a rotten cold that is not conducive to packing or sorting or generally dealing with this stressful time

On the upside, the weather is lovely and I'm enjoying the last days of my garden.   Also we have lots of social engagements as people want to see us before we move back to England and I am distributing pot plants with every visit.


  1. Hope you find your new home soon. In the meantime, keep on with the packing. A hot toddy or two might help. Are you taking any bits from your garden to plant in your new place?

  2. Can't believe the attitude of those people. No wonder why moving is right up there as one of the most stressful experiences of our lives. Take care if yourself. xSteel.

  3. Hope you get sorted out soon and can look forward to a lovely new home. Ros

  4. Sounds like a good plan to do all of the sorting before the move. (We have boxes of stuff from the previous house which are still in the garage waiting to be dealt with after 23 years!) Stressful times indeed but fingers crossed the move goes well. Of course it will.

  5. Two weeks **eek**! I've come across people like that before, the attitude is "I really can't be bothered to do any work so take it or leave it". Obviously being an Estate Agent is easy money and they don't have to put much effort in. Keep on knitting and let it all sort itself out!

  6. Best of luck with your move, Jenny, hope it goes well.

  7. Just keep telling yourself it will all work out in the end!! Yes, sort out before you go - we have boxes which have been in two, if not three lofts, without being dealt with!!
