Monday 25 August 2014

Weekend highlights

I've been absent for a while but you know I've been busy continuing to prepare for the move.  We now have a signed contract, we definitely have to go.
Meantime we had my eldest niece, her husband and two little girls, Amelia 4 and Esme not quite 2 here for a long weekend.  It was lovely to have them around, the first time the little ones have been to the house and sadly the last, they had lots of fun in the conservatory, out on the balcony and in the garden, especially the secret lawn.
We spent Friday in Edinburgh at the festival, just like their Mum Amelia and Esme loved the street theatre and were mesmerised by the jugglers, dancers and magicians, though watching a man swallow a sword and then hammer a 6" nail up his nose wasn't my kind of entertainment and it had to be stressed by him and the parents that it wasn't something to try at home.  

We did a park and ride from the edge of town which gave the girls their first ride on a bus and also their first trip on a double decker, it was pronounced excellent and amazing.  
Saturday was our village show and Yorkshire cleaned up with Esme getting a first for her decorated paper plate in the pre-school section and Amelia a second.  Their auntie Jen took a first for a sale of work item, baby socks, and a third for a premature baby cardigan to be donated to charity. Apparently there was some controversy as I'd used a pale beige yarn which the judge said she would never put on a baby, well I never.
Today I'm faced with a lot of laundry and a slight feeling of sadness, that the house suddenly seems so empty and that we won't be sharing it again with the girls.  I'm determined we shall find somewhere as exciting for them to visit and hopefully a lot nearer because I can't wait to see this gorgeous little smile again

When asked what were the best parts of her visit, Amelia's choices were the bus ride and getting to use our bidet, so we need a house with a bidet on a bus route, simple.


  1. What beautiful little people! I'm sure they'll love visiting your new home just as much, because you'll be there! Ros

  2. I can just imagine you saying to an estate agent that you want a house on a bus route with a bidet!!

  3. Just two things to look for in your new place then! What lovely little girls.

  4. One of the benefits of moving is that you'll be closer to them. A bus route and a bidet, I can just imagine the look on the estate agents face when you tell them that! Hope the packing continues apace, and of course, that you find somewhere to live once you have packed it all up!


  5. Well at least Amelia has helped narrow the choice of new abode! Reminds me of my cousin's little boy who said the very best bit of an action packed weekend was driving through the car wash.

  6. Good luck with the house hunting. Nice to know you have your criteria set!! I'm sure you will know when you have found the perfect place to settle. Your great nieces will love it.

    I love the fact that you caused a stir with your beige baby knits. What a laugh!!
