Saturday 10 October 2009

Jack Frost is about

I was told by a neighbour yesterday that we have already had our first frost, I hadn't noticed but maybe the dusting of white disappeared while I was still snuggled under our recently installed winter weight duvet. Nothing here seems to have been affected but I am moving the last of the tender plants back indoors or into the greenhouse just in case. Meanwhile the garden is doing its best to keep some colour, I cut a tiny bunch of sweet peas this morning, the sunflower soldiers on and the sedum spectabile autumn joy is making a brave show. Look at the delicate display of Clematis Jouiniana Preacox, it's not a climber in the usual way but scrambles all over the place, because it's so beautiful I let it. As its a late flowering clematis and susceptible to early frosts I don't always get such a good display but this year its covered in tiny white stars and looks gorgeous. I often cut little sprays and bring them into the house.
I don't know how much longer these flowers will last, obviously not long enough for me, so I've been planting my bulb order, a total of 400 bulbs that need to find places in the garden and 10 hyacinths in pots that might just flower for Christmas. That's what gardeners do, keep planning and planting and looking forward. Hope the sun shines on you this weekend and the frost leaves your fingers and toes alone.


  1. Watch your back planting all those bulbs!!! Still not bought mine yet - must get a move on.!!!

  2. Goodness, you have your work cut out for you with all those bulbs...that is an extraordinary amount to plant! Do take you time...don't over do...heavens! But such beautiful flowers you show us here today... I am especially taken with that very different clematis--gorgeous! We've supposedly had frost far not too harsh though, so some things in the garden are still hanging on. But won't be long until it's really cold here. Oh, thank you so much for the patchwork love at my place. I had hope to do a tutorial for it too, but the photos didn't turn out well all--LOL! Another time, another project maybe! Happy weekend, Jenny :o) ((HUGS))

  3. oh gosh...all those bulbs...its worth it though ...there is nothing like it in the spring when they push thier heads trhough the ground...happy planting...H

  4. I'm very impressed that you're still picking sweet peas! I love them, but sadly ours didn't get watered anough while we were away. No frost here in Norfolk yet - I'm resolutely refusing to wear socks!! Not sure how much longer I can hold out!

  5. I thought I had bought a lot of bulbs, but you've put me in to the shade in comparison. 400 bulbs!! You'll have a wonderful display to look forward to in the spring, happy planting.

  6. We've had frost over here too.

    That clematis looks lovely!

    I don't envy you your 400 bulbs to plant. I've done about 80 so far with another 20 or so to do and that will be enough! Our soil can be quite hard with lots of little stones in it which makes it tricky to get the planter down any depth. It is worth the effort come spring though. Good luck!

  7. come spring your garden will look an absolute picture!

  8. Jenny, I commend your patience and strength to be able to plant 400 bulbs! I planted just a few dozen and I had blisters on the palm of my hand and sore knees for days afterward! Bulb flowers look so marvelous in the Spring, however, so they are worth the pain!

    Your Clematis is so beautiful! I never saw that variety before.

    Happy gardening!

  9. Hi Jenny, Ohhhh ur gardeb will look quite a treat when all those bulbs start to flower,pretty i can imagine.
    Our frost "should" be well and truly over by now, but weve been having some funny weather, and its been quite cold the past couple of days.
    I love those white flowers, Isnt mother nature so clever.
    Keep urself warm.x

  10. its hardwork i am sure, but its all so worth it, isnt it?
