Tuesday 27 October 2009

Day becomes night

You wouldn't believe how dark and wet it is today. Usually I have a nice view of the hills from my kitchen window, I feel claustrophobic when the mist is down. I went to the dentist this morning for the final work on the tooth that fell out whilst I was in Italy, its all fixed and I am £191 lighter. The weather was too grim for me to spend any time in town so I am back home and plan to take it easy. The stove is already glowing, the knitting bag contains something suitably pink and the cake box is full. That'll teach the weather to be so awful.


  1. Room for a little 'un... I'll bring my own knitting!


  2. Tiffin? Lovely cosy stove, I'm coming over too!

  3. Oh that all looks sooooo inviting. I think I need to magic myself up to Scotland to join you. The weather down south is dismal too. Love your pink yarn. Can't wait to see what it will transform into! Ros

  4. Ooh, lovely jubbly. Can I join the party?

  5. Ooh I would so love to join you....the fire, the wool, the chat and the chocolate what more could a girl ask for.....
    hugs Karen x

  6. mmmmm they look lovely, save me one!

  7. Thanks for popping over and leaving me a comment, I think your tooth story beats mine hands down! What a lovely concept... living life in flip flops... if only.


  8. Cozy fire, pink yarn, and yummy cake. Lovely post!

  9. To me is a great weather. I like the fog and the rain. Because I like so much to be at home, that kind of weather makes me feel I want to do things in the home, as you did.
    Today is like that here so I won't stay too much time on the computer and I will do some homemaking.

  10. Keep cozy, Jenny... you have all the sweet ingredients for keeping cheery on such a day. :o) ((HUGS))

  11. Love that pink wool! Be careful with the chocolate and your tooth.

  12. ooh that cake looks lovely...and a cozy fire in the stove...bliss...I cant believe how dark its getting...but its cozy inside...

  13. Thanks for dropping by into The Three R's blog.... I agree about talking books, not really a fan myself, don't mind the occasional short story on CD, but nothing beats the feel, the smell, of a book. I will never succumb to this electronic book thing, not unless I am forced.

  14. Oooh - your stove looks SO cosy and the tiffin so tasty. Room for a little person? x

  15. How inviting! I'm on my way.... (recipe sharing?)
