Saturday 27 July 2024

Whites and brights

My balcony troughs of white flowering plants are coming along nicely,  lots of buds to open and the campanula spreading out to cover the compost.

I am particularly taken with this delphinium which I think is Dark Bee.

I have always loved white flowers, they feel so calm and in the evenings take on a magical luminosity. All of which contrasts nicely with my love of bright clothing. I read somewhere that if you wear black you disappear so as I get older I don’t steer away from vivid colours.  This applies to my knitting too, I am currently using up oddments of sock yarn and enjoying sorting the various colours into some lively combinations, these are the current pair,  I have even brighter ones planned.

However sock knitting isn’t quite as calm as usual because I worry that I might not have enough yarn to make a matching pair or even finish a pair, which is silly.  I have plenty of leftover oddments and where did it say a pair have to match.

Monday 22 July 2024

The Book Worm

reserved this book at the library after a friend’s recommendation.  This is a great library service that costs nothing, they send an email when the book arrives and allows several days for collected.  I was quite surprised when I called in to collect a knitting books I’d also reserved to be told there were two books waiting for me.

I was even more surprised to see how large the latest book was, a hardback of almost 600 pages, particularly as I was not very far into my current read. I worried that I wouldn’t get onto The Lincoln Highway for a few days, not finish it within the allowed 21 days then not be able to renew it as it would be reserved.  

You will be as amazed as I am to know that I read my reserved book in 2 days.  I think the first night I read beyond midnight and next morning opened the blinds slightly to start again reading beside a sleeping MrFF before 6 am.  I think I stopped at 8 and had another hours sleep before starting the day.  I read on the balcony in the sun and did more or less the same the next day finishing that night, or maybe the early hours of the next morning.  

It goes without saying that I was totally engrossed in this book, it was a wonderful read with a wide range of engaging characters, I loved it.

So far I have continued the routine of waking early and reading,  probably due to the sunny mornings and warm days we are still enjoying.  I remember having friends staying with us in Italy many years ago.  I was up before 6 and found the wife sitting alone out on the terrace with a book still in her nightdress, give it a try indoors or out early morning reading really is delightful.

This afternoon the same friend who made the recommendation came round to lend me a book she’s just finished.  This one has 805 pages, just when I’d selected two more books from the library and am in the middle of another.  She did say I could keep it to take to Italy, phew that takes the pressure off.

Monday 15 July 2024

The day our cat came home *

never thought I’d be writing this post though I have longed to be able to for months.  Up to last Friday our little cat in Italy, Grigio, had not being seen since Christmas by Mario who feeds her in our absence, we asked him to keep putting food out. We searched for her when we returned in April, calling her every day from the house and whenever we went out for walks until we left in June but there was no trace of her.  

Last Friday Mario messaged us to say he’d been to the house, everything was fine, the irrigation was working and Grigio was there.  We couldn’t believe it assuming it was mistaken identity, we’d seen a cat that looked rather like Grigio on the security camera earlier that week but it’s wasn’t so clear and we dismissed it as yet another stray.

Mario suggested we check that evening’s recording, there was a small grey cat fussing round his legs and mewing, he picked it up and held it to the camera, this was no stray and it definitely looked like Grigio.  Mario gave her food from the stock we’d provided just in case and left the feeder out by the back door where we could monitor it.  Grigio was back next morning for breakfast.

We told Giovanni who is already feeding at his house Vincenzo the young ginger who appeared this year and the cat he thinks is his mother. Giovanni is so kind he said Grigio would be welcome at his house too and there is enough food for them all, I’d dropped off a couple of bags and some treats before we left.

It was hard to sleep that night but lovely to wake up knowing our girl was home and safe.   Saturday afternoon we received a photo of Vincenzo and Grigio dining side by side whilst being stroked by Giovanni’s grandchildren. Sunday they were having a birthday party, Giovanni said for the whole family including the cats.   It’s a dream come true, for us all because apparently Vincenzo enjoys 3 meals a day and Grigio won’t stray far from that routine. 

We plan to return to Italy in September, if we can wait that long.  I suppose we will never know where Grigio has been or how a little cat, the runt of the litter, who was born in our garden 7 years go, had never strayed from our property and never had to fend for herself has survived 7 months in an area of mainly unoccupied houses.  We are so happy that she has, bless her heart and yes it’s definitely her because we recognise the kink in her tail.

* sorry the football didn’t 

Friday 12 July 2024

Stuck in our ways

When I retired I loved the novelty of my time being my own with no schedule, it felt like freedom.   15 years on I seem to have set my own routines. Nothing major of course but I do like to do things a certain way, like not tackling Wordle until I’ve washed the breakfast pots and brushed my teeth. Speaking of breakfast, throughout my working life I always set breakfast before I went to bed. I stopped for a few years then started doing it again. It was something my Mum always did and I followed her example, I really enjoy getting up to see everything waiting on the table for my favourite meal of the day, such a good start.

I make the bed as soon as we get up, hoover and tidy our apartment in the morning.  Little rituals that happen automatically.   I suppose we are creatures of habit and our good habits make us feel organised and grounded.  

It seems MrFF’s routine is always to have a disruptive project on the go. All week he has been working on the spare bedroom wardrobes, I am desperate to put things away imagining the room restored. He tells me the dressing table in the recess to the left will be the last part of the work because as soon as it’s made I shall be installing my non urgent toiletries.  Quite right I will, possibly before I brush my teeth because I can still do spontaneity.

Thursday 4 July 2024

He’s only gone and done it

A record 35 stage wins on the Tour de France.  I was one of those who wanted him to stop when he equalled Eddy Merckx’ record because I didn’t want him to keep putting himself in such danger or me under such stress every time there was a sprint finish.  I was a wreck yesterday, luckily Cav and his Astana team were in full control.  A fairy tale ending for a man who has overcome such adversity, he is inspirational and will always be my favourite rider.

It’s another sprint stage today, please just stay safe Cav.

Tuesday 2 July 2024

Back to ourselves

 We are recovered from Italy and fully entrenched in Yorkshire life.

I have planted up my 2 new balcony troughs with a selection of mostly white herbaceous plants from the lovely local nursery that I can walk to and from, £1 each and they make me happy. 

Last year I bought white lavender and shasta daisies for the tall pots at the same price, this year they are sizeable.  My only issue with small plants is whether they will spread and flower before we leave again but really there is plenty for us to enjoy now.

We are both back into walking, we’ve had friends round for dinner, MrFF has started his latest project adding more storage and a dressing table to the spare bedroom.  Any work in a small top floor apartment, building or gardening, brings extra challenges and disruption but my goodness we’ve had plenty of experience over the years especially with building work.  Someone asked me the other day why we don't have a handyman to do this sort of thing, we do,  it’s MrFF who I know will make an excellent job, be as clean and tidy as possible and do as he’s told.

We are watching the Tour de France live, so far it’s been amazing apart from me fretting about Cav, soon to be Sir Cav, as he attempts to beat the record for most stage wins on the Tour ever.

Giovanni is in touch regularly, he seems to relish having Vincenzo for company.  Sunday he said Vincenzo was completely exhausted having spent the morning eating, there was a photo of the dear little cat spark out.  It seems that as well as the cat biscuits and treats I provided he is getting lasagna, chicken and lamb, and I imagine lots of attention when Giovanni’s family visit at weekends. 

The weather has turned a little cooler than I’d like and the rain is a bit unpredictable, I got quite wet but never cold on my walk yesterday, but we feel settled and content back in Yorkshire, for a few of months at least.