Thursday, 20 March 2014

Selling and spending

I realise I'm in danger of driving you all away if I keep banging on about my downsizing efforts, but it's important that you understand that I am getting rid of clutter and how difficult it is.
So I have sent more bags to the charity shop and I've also put some of my more precious items on ebay.  
These Beswick Beatrix Potter figures I've had at least 50 years, I could pass them onto Amelia and Esme my grand nieces but they would probably appreciate the money more.  
I've also started sorting my extensive Emma Bridgewater collection and put a few interesting pieces up for sale, they seem to be doing well. Again I love them very much but feel its better to keep the mugs that I use daily rather than have purely ornamental pieces.
All sounds good doesn't it but I had a major setback yesterday when I took my 25 year old Rolex into Edinburgh for repair, it stopped suddenly and hadn't been serviced for years.  I've been quoted between £400 and £500 to have it sent back to Switzerland for work and it will be away for about 6 weeks.  What can I do, Rolex don't provide the parts for repairs and not using genuine parts would just devalue the watch.  I blame Mr FF for giving it to me for my 40th birthday, though I have loved it since that day and feel its worth every penny even though it feels like spending without buying, not a great experience.
I had a quick look round the shops but only bought these two bottles of nail varnish, I couldn't resist the springtime speckled egg effect.  
Finally we have a valuer coming to look at our house next week, scary biscuits, it's all getting so very definite.


  1. Oh, keep up the good work! I dropped another couple of bags off at the charity shop yesterday and came so near to buying back some of our old plates which were on display. Have you decided yet where you'll be relocating?

  2. You are doing so well - I totally appreciate how hard it is to do . I have a friend who has just retired and moved into a bungalow and is currently failing at her downsizing plan and has the contents of a 5 bedroom house currently crammed into a very small 3 bedroom bungalow. We've all tried to talk to her, and I've even been fairly brutal with her, but she seriously needs proper therapy!! xxxxxx

  3. You might find that your great nieces would love to have something special that you have treasured later in their lives. I am impressed with your dedication to declutter. When we moved, my guideline was 'if I have to think about whether or not I am happy for it to go, I keep it'. We still managed to get rid of loads! Keep going!

  4. Best of luck with the downsizing. I must admit to finding it very difficult to get rid of anything (unless it's beyond repair or truly ugly - but even then the little voice in my head probably says 'but might it come in handy one day?')
    At least selling things on eBay gets you something in return!

  5. LOVE the nail varnish! Nothing like a little bit of shopping to take your mind off all the de-cluttering. Good luck! Ros

  6. It must be so difficult to decide what to jettison, I really don't envy you one bit.

    Shocking charges for the Rolex though!

  7. Oh how I can relate to your downsizing woes - not so much the everyday things but the sentimental stuff we all have. Do we like it - of course we do, Do we need it - not necessarily, Would someone else like it - more than likely, Are they willing to pay for it - more than likely, So what are we waiting for - well it's nice to look at and reminisce about the time we had collected/ had it given to us.

    I thought the same way as Josie when I saw the little bunnies - some of my grandchildren were thrilled when offered trinkets that belonged to my aunt - they had known her and remembered the bits and pieces in one of her cabinets. Maybe put them to one side in a small box to gift at another time.

    How did your appointment with the agent go?

  8. You are a very dedicated declutterer! I hate to think what's lurking in our basement and all of our cupboards! That's definitely a very Easter inspired nail varnish! Shame about the cost to repair the watch though.


  9. I have to warn you, the rest of the week won't get any better on my blog! Best you stay away for a few days, lol!


  10. Well done on your decluttering, sounds as though it's a tough experience for you. I bought that very same Model's Own pink speckled nail polish last week - absolutely love it. Regarding the Rolex, my husband paid similar to have his serviced and a minor fault fixed a few years ago so I think it's pretty standard pricing - agree it does feel pricy, though!
