I have not been called back to the surgery yet but it’s possible to check ones health records and tests results online. Obviously I did that after a couple of days and happily all the results were normal or satisfactory, no further action required. That’s a big relief, as MrFF cheerily pointed out I’d be disappointed if I had weeks to live having paid thousands of pounds to get my tooth fixed. Remember Yorkshire values are very different to those of the rest of the world.
Of course we are no wiser as to why my tongue is sore and cracked which was the reason for my original consultation and tests. Maybe once I have my implant things will improve, meantime I keep brushing and scraping, smug in the knowledge that I’ve passed by MOT for now.
I started knitting with the Trek sock yarn but found it impossible to do so in the evening, basically I cannot see what I am doing. We do have a reading light beside the settee but MrFF isn’t happy to have it on in evening while we watch tv which is when I do most of my knitting. So I’ve cast aside the Trek until we have lighter nights and knitted a pair of pink West Yorkshire Spinners socks in the same pattern, they took no time at all and were pretty much self illuminating.Then I found a spool of 4 ply 50% wool 50% silk in the charity shop, approx 100 g for £1.99 enough for yet another necker. The yarn is beautiful, on the spool it has a lovely sheen that doesn’t seem to transfer to the knitting but feels very soft and cosy. I love the colour.
Your yarn colours are beautiful, I'm glad you've pass your mot, all handy to know as we age.