Saturday, 11 January 2025

Walking on ice

Winter dusk

This year the council have only been clearing snow from the main roads in our town, side roads and pavements are untouched and over the week with below zero temperatures and more snow fall it’s been difficult to get about. Schools and community centres have been closed, the bins have not been emptied, care workers struggle to attend, most people have stayed at home.

Our challenge is that we have to descend a fairly steep hill to reach services like shops, buses and this week my dentist.  I’d been out a couple of times with MrFF for some exercise, we’ve managed to stay upright with a few skids but it was not pleasant and at times bitterly cold.  These last couple of days as the temperature has risen above freezing, just, the surface of the snow and ice has melted in the sun leaving a skating rink or in our case a bob sleigh run.  I don’t have the confidence to walk by myself so on Thursday MrFF kindly accompanied me to my dental appointment, a 4 mile round trip. 

As an avid snow shifter when we lived in Scotland, I had my own personal snow shovel, I am surprised how few people have cleared their paths and drives, though I am pleased to see how little they’ve used their cars.  I know shops no longer clear the route to their door because of health and safety regulations, they could be responsible if there was an accident. That probably applies to offices and businesses generally but if residents cleared the pavement in front of their house it would help us all.

Temperatures are set to rise by Sunday which could make conditions worse before they get better.  Let’s hope the snow is gone quickly and no more arrives before my next dental appointment in about 10 days time.  My dentist is pleased with my progress so far though he too struggled to remove my temporary denture, commented it was still a snug fit and asked me to take it out.  He says I’ll be all sorted in another 11 weeks. The last 6 weeks with this temporary front tooth have felt like a lifetime but equally not wearing it and having a front gap isn’t comfortable either.  I am not miserable like I was at the end of last year but I am looking forward to April and hoping January won’t linger as long as it usually does.

These two obviously think otherwise, our littlest grand nieces up early on first day of snow enjoying their first proper winter weather.

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