Monday, 8 August 2022

Grey and wet - I like it

At last we are getting rain, yesterday afternoon we had spectacular lightning and a few hours of steady downpour that at least dampened the surface of the garden

Today we had heavier rain and some hail, now plants are perking up, the cats are more active, we are all refreshed.

Early this afternoon we were able to open the doors and windows to let in cool air, usually we cannot do this until after 7 in the evening when it becomes hotter inside then out but still hot everywhere.  

And don’t worry about the hail bashing our tomatoes, we don’t have any.  The orchard is now being invaded by a large porcupine, I have him on film.  He’s eaten the fruits, smashed down the tomato plants and my lovely sunflowers, stripped the leaves off just about every plant edible or ornamental in the orchard and not even left me a few quills. The only deterrent seems to be fencing but too late for that now, another disappointment to add to our list this year.  

Let’s hope now we’ve had rain all these animals will find what they need up on mountainside and leave us alone.  Speaking of which Mario told us he was outside early one morning last week and counted 22 young wild boar in his garden.  If they grow to be adults they really will be a problem and less than 10 minutes walk from here.


  1. Today our weather is incredibly hot and all the rivers are running dry.

  2. We have had a badger and a hare in our garden. The badger was rummaging in the compost heap for food but we repaired the hole in the fence that he had enlarged before we planted our tomatoes. The hare simply jumped over the fence when he saw the dog.
    You have had a tough year with water issues. I hope things settle down.

  3. Rare to see a photo of such dismal weather and feel envious, but that’s me after trying to potter in the garden and being forced to retreat indoors because of the heat. Still you definitely deserve it the most, this being only the third day this summer when our temperature has tipped 30 degrees.

  4. Lovely to hear and see the rain - we badly need some here! The animals seem to be taking over your neck of the woods so I hope the rainy weather goes a ways to deter them Good luck with that!

  5. That porcupine needs a stern talking to, I'm sorry he has decimated your garden this year.
