Wednesday, 4 September 2019

Stone Age Man

Now the terrace is finished Mr FF is constructing a new path in our orchard.  The ground there slopes and it’s always difficult for me getting to the veggie department in my flip flops so a flat path will be great.  It’s also a good way of getting rid of the remaining rubble, currently in bags, from when we renewed the front garden paths, we waste nothing.
The little stone retaining wall is sweet and much in keeping with the large wall.  Mr FF is becoming quite skilled at this type of work, who knows he may have missed out on a brilliant career as a bricklayer.


  1. I really love this. Can I borrow him for a few weeks - The man who does my garden is about to start and bit of a major project in my back garden.

  2. Good job, Mr. FF. Meanwhile, I'm perfecting the art of just sitting.

  3. Perfect Job Mr. FF...always working...he must have become a professional one!!

  4. Do you hire him out? Willing to feed and water at regular intervals!
