I was able to check online that my second set of tests were satisfactory and expected to be called back to the surgery for the official resulted and further discussion. The radiography department advised me to contact my doctor if I hadn’t heard within 7 days. I waited a bit longer than they then sent a message on pro forma we now use to contact the health centre. I received the response my test results were ok and in further action would be taken. Of course I wasn’t able to respond so back to the pro forma, same details, same questions like what did I expect from the doctor, was I affected mentally. I did mention it was annoying to keep doing this and not being able to continue a conversation. I also pointed out that my dentist had referred me to the doctor because of my tongue which no one had bothered to examine. They asked for a photograph of my tongue and provided a link for a one time reply, now I have an appointment in 2.5 weeks time.
I am grateful for all the testing I’ve was all quick and efficient, at the hospital in Skipton I was in and out 10 minutes before my official appointment time and parking was free. But I do wonder why I’ve had so many tests, pleasing as it is to know there were all ok, or why the issues I raised haven’t been addressed, no examination of my tongue or weight check. I am back at the dentist before I am back at the doctor so will have another discussion with him and decide whether to cancel my appointment.
Meantime I’ve been knitting up sock yarn oddments. I weighed the yarn and thought I had enough to make a reasonably matched pair. Wrong. As MrFf said they will be inside my shoe, no one will know except me. Same with my sore tongue, i could just keep my mouth shut.