Good Christmas for us all, the day was calm, food delicious and present great. I had knitted Mr FF a pair of 4ply plain grey socks with wool I bought in a sale. I didn't stitch the ends in at the toe just in case they weren't big enough, they were, but once he tried them on Cleo decided the trailing wool was one of her best Christmas presents
She managed to capture both ends at once, one in her paw one in her mouth. Her original family who used to live next door to us were home briefly from Kuwait and came round for dinner last night. Cleo was a bit nonchalant about seeing them again but they were delighted to see how well she is looking and confirmed that she is 17 years old. Still catching rabbits, mice and wool, what a good girl.
Mr FF did well with his shopping and found me some lovely Patons angora/wool mix beautifully packed in tissue paper in cardboard boxes, 9 balls of pale lemon and 10 of lavender. 
The balls are tiny, only 10 grams each but I'm sure there's enough for something nice, interesting lacy socks or a pretty scarf, if I can ever bring myself to empty the boxes. Such an elegant way to buy wool and though the now discontinued yarn isn't that old it makes me feel like a lady from Cranford, I'll be knitting by candlelight next.
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