and the other stuff is laid out on the spare bed, though I do keep adding another t shirt or six. We fly to Heathrow Wednesday morning and on to LA that afternoon. I'll try to get on line while we are away, 3 week is a long time without news, but if not I promise I will be knitting, reading, chilling, searching out yarn shops and seriously thinking about my life. I'm calling this trip a fact finding mission, I shall be 59 when I come back, I feel I need to wear more purple.

Sorry missed you before you left. Have Holly and Max with me for two days 9.20 am and they are still asleep. Planted fruit trees yesterday but must get some stakes today. Off to Edinburgh tonite and exotic Dundee on Friday. Have a fab hol and chill out both of you. No mountaineering in the canyon. Love Ann PS never done this before