Mr FF attended a seminar in Glasgow yesterday so I travelled into town with him and had a relaxing day round the shops. I had coffee and a lemon muffin in Waterstones, got made up at the Lancome counter in Frasers where the lady was so sympathetic with my situation that she didn't once mention the products she was promoting, simply wished me well. The John Lewis sale had started and I picked up these books half price, I need them for my future, they count as essentials. I also got some Noro Cash Iroha, a wool silk cashmere mix that is for someone special who reads this, not that all you readers aren't special, so I can't show you it just now. Its quite a textured yarn and I'm not 100% convinced that the pattern I'm using is ideal, but then I have all the time in the world to try and retry.

I bought these patchwork pieces at a charity shop last week, Joanne who I used to work with (how strange that sounds) does some lovely patchwork and I thought a few squares might get me started. I called into
Mandors fabric store to get a some plain cream cotton to eek out the material and found the place so inspiring. The voiles particularly were wonderful and made me think of open Italian windows with sheer curtains moving in a hot breeze. I also got these pretty hexagons at the charity shop, which Joanne tells me will be more difficult to piece together so I may trim them into rectangles.

I met Mr FF at a bar in the afternoon and we sat outside in the sunshine, how relaxing was that. I need to tell you soon how totally wonderful he has been this last week, we've always been at our best together when the going gets tough and still are.

We called in at Pam and Andrew's on the way home to drop off some books, tea for the girls and G&T for the boys whilst we chatted and I told Pam about this new diversion. I knew she had done some patchwork with a friend and that there is a quilting bee in the village. She then went upstairs and came back with two boxes of fabric that she insisted I take away to use. I looked in the boxes last night, there is so much material and though many of the patterns I wouldn't have selected myself, they look amazing together and I think could make something both large and beautiful. So exciting it kept we awake last night, its not the deal with I finish work and start stressing about my hobbies is it. I need to get Joanne round to look at the fabrics, far too many for me to take into town and sort on the bench beside the library where we said we might meet.
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