Born in and now returned to Yorkshire from Scotland, spending summers in Italy. I knit socks but prefer to wear flip flops
Thursday, 26 June 2008
Save the Children
I posted off 18 little hats to the Save the Children appeal yesterday, as modelled here by Office Ted, who wasn't dispatched. He is still doing the rounds of admin girlies who need a cuddle (at the moment he's quite over-worked). My cousin knitted most of these, she always rises to this kind of challenge, so far I've made 4. I checked on the website yesterday, to date 120,000 hats have been received but the collection goes on until October so still time for lots more to be produced. I had confirmation this week that they really are worthwhile, Avril who comes into the office a couple of days a week showed us photographs of her latest and 13th grandchild, born 3 weeks early and wearing a little woolly hat. Avril, who was there at the birth, said the nurses popped it on him straightaway to help retain his body heat and that they are often short of really small hats for the premature babies. It made us all feel really good, even the ones who don't knit, the power of wool.
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