Sunday 20 October 2024

Grigio update

It’s been a roller coaster caring for Grigio and giving her medication.  Some days she seems to be recovering, other days she seems almost as ill as ever.  We finished the anti biotic and cortisone treatment at the end of last week and I expected she’d be much happier.  Friday she ate most of the day so I was happy, Saturday she ate nothing at all and while she wasn’t as miserable as she had been she wasn’t interested in going out and slept in her basket most of the time.  

This morning I tempted her to eat a little wet food after which she climbed onto my knee purring.  Over the day she’s eaten more and slept outside in the sunshine. Tonight I tried her again with fresh liver which had been recommended for her anaemia.  Friday she wouldn’t touch it, Sunday she had two helpings, it could go either way tomorrow.

We are back at the vets with both cats on Friday.  Meantime we are about start the olive harvest, the forecast for this week was good, now it’s not so good.  Italian cats and Italian meteorologists they are both fickle.  Maybe they think it makes for an interesting life, I could do without it especially as we shall be leaving sometime next month and we need both to be on top form.


  1. Oh dear, as if you needed the extra challenges. Fingers crossed that both play ball for you.

  2. Sounds like "two steps forward and one step back" with Grigio. Not the best but better than the other way around. Hope you manage to get a good crop of olives and a decent supply of olive oil.
