Monday 22 July 2024

The Book Worm

reserved this book at the library after a friend’s recommendation.  This is a great library service that costs nothing, they send an email when the book arrives and allows several days for collected.  I was quite surprised when I called in to collect a knitting books I’d also reserved to be told there were two books waiting for me.

I was even more surprised to see how large the latest book was, a hardback of almost 600 pages, particularly as I was not very far into my current read. I worried that I wouldn’t get onto The Lincoln Highway for a few days, not finish it within the allowed 21 days then not be able to renew it as it would be reserved.  

You will be as amazed as I am to know that I read my reserved book in 2 days.  I think the first night I read beyond midnight and next morning opened the blinds slightly to start again reading beside a sleeping MrFF before 6 am.  I think I stopped at 8 and had another hours sleep before starting the day.  I read on the balcony in the sun and did more or less the same the next day finishing that night, or maybe the early hours of the next morning.  

It goes without saying that I was totally engrossed in this book, it was a wonderful read with a wide range of engaging characters, I loved it.

So far I have continued the routine of waking early and reading,  probably due to the sunny mornings and warm days we are still enjoying.  I remember having friends staying with us in Italy many years ago.  I was up before 6 and found the wife sitting alone out on the terrace with a book still in her nightdress, give it a try indoors or out early morning reading really is delightful.

This afternoon the same friend who made the recommendation came round to lend me a book she’s just finished.  This one has 805 pages, just when I’d selected two more books from the library and am in the middle of another.  She did say I could keep it to take to Italy, phew that takes the pressure off.


  1. Nothing better than losing yourself in a great book, and there are so many out there......

  2. This is a great recommendation for the Lincoln Highway! You couldn't put it down is the best compliment a book can have!

  3. I have made a note of your recommendations!
    I popped into our local library the last time I was in the UK and am so glad that it's still offering a great service.

  4. Carlos Ruiz Zafon was such a wonderful writer. I have read this quartet of his books several times, starting with The Shadow of the Wind. I would heartily recommend all four books.. He died far too young.

  5. Thanks for the recommendation. There's nothing better than losing yourself in an all consuming book. I was in the coffee shop the other day reading (and drinking a latte) and suddenly the tears began to flow. Had to skip a few pages to prevent noisy sobbing. Enjoy your next book.
