Saturday 5 August 2023

Yorkshire Life


How nice it’s been to sit, between the showers, on our sunny balcony. I bought a few lavender plants at our local nursery which is within walking distance, £1 each, good healthy plants, they were a bargain.   It’s pointless spending a lot on plants for the balcony as they have to survive our absence, fortunately despite the June heatwave most did but some have been set back.  I am not one for giving up though I image I revived some we will be leaving again.

Speaking of which our dear friend Giovanni who this year lost his wife is now in residence in the house above ours in Lazio  He says is much pleasanter then being in his apartment in Rome and he intends to stay at least until the end of August.  He also said that Grigio and Enrico are visiting regularly, he is putting out food and more importantly water which I am sure they appreciate as a supplement to their regular supply from Mario.  

So we can enjoy the cool for a while longer.  Oddly I am not feeling chilly at all and wearing clothes more appropriate for Italy, living the flip flop life today in 12 degrees in Yorkshire.


  1. A tad chilly at 12 degrees, hope the sun is shining. Your balcony plants look healthy and should see you through until your next departure.

  2. Brilliant news to hear the cats are doing well, it's always a worry when you are away. The sun has returned here in Hampshire, don't know for how long, the washing is on the line, now for time in garden.

  3. I'm so envious of your cool weather!

  4. The weather here in mid France is unseasonably cool but for me it's unseasonably perfect! A year without the succession of heatwaves has been a joy.
    It's good to hear the cats are doing well. A friend here has just lost a cat to a family where the catering appears to be more to his taste!
