Monday, 1 April 2019

In the garden

When we arrive at our Italian house my main priority is always the garden.  I have to check what has survived the winter, what might be flowering and what has died.  This year it’s been a pleasure to see how well everything is and to crack on with creating this year’s display of pots and mixed beds
The front garden has improved a lot over the years, I don’t often see the bergenia in flower I just get to deadhead them when I arrive.
 My rosemary is in full flower too

I’ve sown a variety of seeds, it’s great to experiment with plants I couldn’t consider in the UK, Passion flower, Cobaea Scandens,  the cup and saucer plant, as well as wild flower selections, dahlia and chrysanthemums.
And who could resist a selection of climbers, or as we call them here fiori rampicanti which sounds a lot more fun.


  1. The garden looks lovely. I'm reminded of the ginormous palm tree at the house we used to have in Spain. Used to have to get a man in a harness to keep it in check. Much the same as with the eucalyptus in the garden here. Happy planting!

  2. It has gone very cold here. How I envy you.

  3. How beautiful, and to think I was getting excited over an early bluebell!
