Tuesday, 23 April 2019

A shower

Of wisteria beside our solar shower, which Mr FF is using on sunny days and we are getting more of those
 And a wonderful display from the other wisteria in the lower part of the garden which is a slightly different shade

Tuesday, 16 April 2019

Spot the difference

Between Sunday and Tuesday

Sunday, 14 April 2019

A spell of winter

Yesterday morning was pleasant, the washing was out on the line early and dry in a few hours.   Mid afternoon it rained, late afternoon there was snow on the mountain behind us.  We talked to the man at our local agricultural store, he said the veggies we have planted out will be set back by this cold spell and never grow properly, we should always wait until 25 April to put them in the ground.  But all is not lost because he then sold us some fertiliser made specially for this problem, with regular feeding our tomatoes and aubergines will recover and flourish.  Unfortunately the remedy cost more than all the plants it will cure, we should have just started again - on the 25.
Enjoy your Sunday, I’m off for firewood and later plan to watch the Paris Roubaix cycle race on tv.

Tuesday, 9 April 2019

Indicative votes

Today I could sit out in the sun and knit while it is not too hot to do so
I could go downstairs and start cleaning the lounge we never use
Please note, results will not be binding - are they ever.

Monday, 1 April 2019

In the garden

When we arrive at our Italian house my main priority is always the garden.  I have to check what has survived the winter, what might be flowering and what has died.  This year it’s been a pleasure to see how well everything is and to crack on with creating this year’s display of pots and mixed beds
The front garden has improved a lot over the years, I don’t often see the bergenia in flower I just get to deadhead them when I arrive.
 My rosemary is in full flower too

I’ve sown a variety of seeds, it’s great to experiment with plants I couldn’t consider in the UK, Passion flower, Cobaea Scandens,  the cup and saucer plant, as well as wild flower selections, dahlia and chrysanthemums.
And who could resist a selection of climbers, or as we call them here fiori rampicanti which sounds a lot more fun.