Thursday, 24 March 2011

Expiry Date

I don't take a blind bit of notice of expiry dates. I use my common sense and don't eat things that are obviously on the turn but if I have something that is well past its best by date I have been known to simply peel off that bit of the label and continue as normal. I remember hearing John Humphrys on Radio 4's Breakfast programme one day discussing this subject and saying that yoghurt was no good till it was weeks past it's expiry date and just about blowing the lid of the carton. I agree.
So I was amused to see in the local diy/garden centre this week that some perennials (and there is possibly a clue in the name) had been reduced from £2.99 to 50p because they had reached their best before date. How can plants about to spring into action and looking perfectly healthy possibly have a limited shelf life. Naturally I snapped them up and they are doing fine in the greenhouse. I have however seen a few signs that winter has now reached it's expiry date. We've had real spring weather that has done me the world of good and I can report that my favourite sheep are back in the field behind our houseI have a word with them most days. My favourite hellebore is flowering again, gorgeousand my favourite husband (so far still within his shelf life) has had his first bonfire of the season.


  1. I don't do BBF dates either - if its not walking out of the fridge/cupboards then we'll use it - might not always tell the family though ;) They've survived so far ;)

    Hurrah for spring and those lovely little black lambs :)

  2. I do the sniff test on items passed their best before date. It's not always pleasant but fairly reliable!

    Love the baby lamb. x

  3. When we lived in Indonesia, one of the local supermarkets used to scrape the dates off tins!! They also turned the freezers off overnight to save money .....

  4. Totally agree about the best before dates - last month we had rabbit stew using a rabbit that had been in the freezer for 2 1/2 years - nom nom nom! Also, my OH is champing at the bit to have his first fire of the season but we are awaiting the delivery of a 45-gallon oil drum. Then pyromania will rule!!!!

    K xx

  5. I try not to get too neurotic about BBF dates myself, but I know I would probably imagine I'd poisoned my friends if I gave them cream a day past the deadline!!

    The sheep are lovely - say hello to them from me.

  6. I don't do sell by dates either - and i'm teaching the kids to do the same. As you can see, we did our first fire too - Hurray!xx

  7. Common sense and a sniff are much more use than expiry dates - everything has them these days, even vinegar and salt!

  8. I think common sense should prevail regarding whether something is safe to eat or not! Luckily for me, yarn doesn't have a best before date, so there's no danger of having to throw any out!!! How lovely to have the view of sheep and lambs that you do!

  9. I can go beyond the date on the packet with some things but have to admit I'm a chucker out-er. Those lambs are so sweeeeet. Haven't spotted any round here yet.

  10. Curiously am very interested about expired yoghurt and may have to try it!!!

  11. What cute black sheep, I have not seen any here in Italy and we have plenty of sheep around us. Just not this breed and they are so pretty.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. That was me up above!!! Too many typo's!

    I love your spring pics and the lambs are so lovely!
    I don't pay too much attention to expiry dates but I'm a bit leery of eggs pate the sell by date so if I have any leftover I hard boil them and give them to the dogs! No complaints yet!!

  14. *past* it's not my typing day today!

  15. Another one here who doesn't go by dates, but by sight and smell.

    Lovely hellibore photo and I also am married to a man who LOVES a bonfire.....

  16. Love those black sheep - do you get much conversation out of them??

    I don't pay much attention to BBF dates either - usually stuff is fine. But I had to laugh at the idea of perennials being out of date. Wish our Garden Centre would do that - I could restock my garden!

    Though I have to confess I sometimes feel I'm past my BBF!
