Thursday, 20 May 2010

This weekend

I've spent a lot of this week in the garden, its such a pretty place at the moment and as you can see from the front room window seat is looking very springlike. The weather has been good, warm with sunny intervals and I've moved a lot of plants out of the greenhouse hoping that there won't be any serious frosts from now on.
We are going down to Yorkshire tomorrow for Amelia Jasmine's christening on Sunday so Mr FF has agreed to install some more automatic ventilators and fix up an irrigation system in the greenhouse for my tomatoes before we go. We leave in less than 24 hours, he hasn't done it yet but we must have faith. He has however booked the ferries to take our car to Italy in June, we shall be away for a whole month so this weekend will be a good test, I'm rather hoping it will be cloudy.


  1. Your garden is looking lovely Jenny. The tomatoes are looking good too. Men always seem to like to do things in their own way and in their own time. Best of luck for it being fixed up in time! Enjoy the Christening. We're still awaiting our new addition. She's nine days late now, so at least we know to expect some exciting news in the next few days. Ros

  2. Let's hope your weather will stay warm for your plants!

    Looking out of your window looks a bit like the landscape here too. Pine trees and forest.

    I hope you get to Italy this time and don't get held up again by volcanic ash!!

  3. As I write it is warmer in the UK than here in Lazio :(

    Have a good weekend in Yorkshire.

  4. It's been a great week for gardening, so nice to feel some warmth from the sun at last. I hope you have a lovely weekend in Yorkshire :-)

  5. It must be so good to be inside your house and see the trees outside.

  6. Hope Mr FF got his act together in time! Good idea to go to Italy by ferry - you don't want your plans to be scuppered again. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for when we fly to Greece in August. Hope you had a lovely family weekend.

  7. Hi, Jenny! Great to catch up with you...We're still on holiday. And hope very much you get to Italy this time around! Love seeing your plants... Looking forward to a bit of gardening when we get home again soon. Enjoy your trip to Yorkshire and sweet chrisening! :o9 ((HUGS))

  8. Hope your tomatoes have survived what's been (well here, anyway) a very warm and sunny weekend.

  9. Been blooming hot here too. We had to take a lot of stuff out of our greenhouse and have decided to risk leaving it out.

    I hope you had a great weekend and shall have fingers crossed for you that you get to Italy.
