Socks are quick and easy, ideal knitting to take when travelling as you only ever need to carry one ball, the needles are short and best of all there's no sewing up. I admit I don't enjoy the finishing process, blocking and stitching, better to travel than arrive as far as I'm concerned, which is strange as according to personality questionnaires my team role is that of completer finisher.
I have aspirations to spin, I've been a couple of times to meetings of the Edinburgh Guild of Weavers Spinners and Dyers and been amazed by the wonderful yarn and garments the members produce. By the second lesson I was able to actually use the wheel and it was really exciting to turn a cloud of fibre into some knittable yarn, but I don't think I'll be investing in a wheel while I'm still working because (a) I don't have the time to dedicate to it and (b) I have a huge stash of wool already (and OK (c) I'm still buying wool on ebay). Besides, I have an Opal mountain that needs to be reduced.
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