My dentist has now taken impressions and my implant tooth is being made. I am back in under 3 weeks, if it fits ok and everyone is happy that will be the end of this almost 5 month process and we can think of returning to Italy. Reading today however that the French government is about to issue survival instructions to its citizens to prepare them for invasion makes me wonder if travelling into the EU is the best idea but things are changing so quickly it’s hard to predict
My doctor has prescribed a week of medication for my tongue. I really cannot wait for all this oral annoyance to be finished.
We have friends coming to stay for a few days next week. I am hoping that at times a gappy smile will be acceptable as I cannot contemplate wearing my denture all day long, maybe if I promise not to laugh.
Still knitting from stock, a very snuggly scarf in Debbie Bliss Angel 75% super kid mohair, 24% silk. I used double yarn, dark blue with a little sparkle and pale grey together, I used 50g of each for 1.5 m long x 0.3 m wide. And on the go another pair of oddments socks for MrFF, I definitely have enough yarn for the legs and heels to match, what’s inside his shoes may not.